Friday 15 January 2021

Green Party Refuses to Publish its Own Election Report

Green Left, the ecosocialist grouping in the Green Party of England and Wales, has issued a statement calling on the party to publish it’s own report into the unsuccessful ‘Unite to Remain’ electoral pact with the Liberal Democrats at the 2019 General election.

London Green Left reported at the time that members were Green Party Members Dismayed with Lib Dem Election Pact not happy about it. We also reported that consultation with at least one local party was scant, Green / Lib Dem Electoral Pact was a Mistake that Shouldn’t be Repeated.

We further revealed last year, the likely reason that, the party leadership are demonstrating once again, how a clique runs the party, Can the Green Party be Saved from its Leadership Clique?

Is it just Green Left that are concerned about this? Green party members should raise the issue with their local parties. Surely, we want transparency in the party?

What, one wonders, are they trying to hide?

The statement is reproduced below:

Green Left Statement on the Green Party’s Failure to Publish its Report into the 2019 General Election Strategy

Green Left is seriously concerned that the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) has failed to publish its report on the party’s General Election strategy. The GPEW cannot credibly criticise other parties if it fails to be open about its own shortcomings, especially when the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties have openly assessed their own performance.

The Brexit electoral pact with the Liberal Democrats was not debated or agreed by the party as a whole and its controversial adoption is an issue deserving robust discussion so that lessons can be learnt for future decision making.

The party’s failure to respond to Green Left and GPEW members’ repeated requests (including at the last Conference) to publish the report shows contempt for both Green Left and the wider party membership. Furthermore, non-publication undermines the party’s promotion of its own transparency and accountability as well as its demands for wider democracy in society,

Green Left calls on the GPEW to immediately publish the report and circulate it to local parties and recognised party groups.

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  1. Sian Berry appears to confirm the report’s existence. You can review that exchange for yourself - Here at 26.20 mark if you like YouTube

  2. Do you it has anything to do with this?
    It seems to me that this is suggesting that many people's support for the Greens is misguided, and that what you offer is a more appropriate alternative!
